10 years ago, WMUR's NH Chronicle produced a piece for their long-running local show on the new sliding-scale, community acupuncture facility that had opened right down the street from their offices in the millyard in Manchester. At that time, Manchester Acupuncture Studio was just a year old, and much of the focus of that episode was on our lone owner/full-time acupuncturist. Fast forward to June of 2018, MAS is a 501(c)3 non-profit, boasting a Board of Directors, two clinic locations, a staff of 13 employees and 5 full-time acupuncturists along with thousands of people who can confidently speak from the perspective of seasoned recipients of acupuncture treatments.
In order to update viewers, NH Chronicle got together a follow-up production with the focus largely from a patient's perspective.
We're happy to share it with you here.